About the Artist

Peter Illig is originally from New York and has been an artist and teacher in Colorado for over 30 years. He is represented by Walker Fine Art in Denver and has been a member of Denver artist co-ops such as Pirate Contemporary Art and Spark Gallery. His work has been selected for numerous ‘Best of Colorado’ shows over the years, and is found in many personal and corporate art collections.

Peter Illig’s paintings are analogies for human emotions and experiences – American psychological landscapes – reflecting how we think of several things at once. He layers images borrowed from film, TV, cyberspace, art history, and his own experience like a coded cultural language of symbols to express his ideas.


Photo: K. Hamel, DenverArts.org

On his recent show: “These recent paintings originated in a search for new meanings in my work.  I search for and use images from the past to comment on contemporary society.   The images become metaphors for interactions between men and women, and for our constant search for meaning in our lives, but they also touch upon our darker motivations, our “shadow side”, the sometimes hidden reasons we act as we do.

I care deeply about dreams, and their symbolic meanings. Many of my paintings may be viewed as dream images, with their attendant crises and anxieties.

Ultimately, I hope my paintings cause the viewer to question, reflect on, and perhaps understand how an artist might introduce philosophical questions into art works.”

-Peter Illig

Contact the artist at Babylonart@aol.com

Denver CO USA

Link to the artist’s article  On the Relevance of Painting

Link to an article about the artist and his work, by Denver Syntax  On Peter Illig’s art

Walker Fine Art

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